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Letter to Minister Paris

January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010

The Honourable Percy Paris
Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage
P.O. Box 456
1800 Argyle Street
Halifax, NS B3J 3S9

Dear Minister Paris:

Thank you for meeting with us today.

TIANS appreciates and supports the government’s interest in investigating viable access into Nova Scotia, however, we are extremely concerned about the cancellation of service for 2010 and the immediate and long-term impact on the tourism industry. As indicated in our December 21st, 2009 letter to Premier Dexter, TIANS firmly supports access into Southwest Nova Scotia from the United States.

We understand that your government is waiting for the transportation research, currently underway, to address long term opportunities to
improve access. Faced with the dramatic impact the lack of service will have for the 2010 tourism year we strongly support a temporary solution
that will allow for the proper review and long range planning required around this important transportation issue.

We respectfully request, that in your role as Minister of Tourism, you expedite a meeting with the federal government and the appropriate provincial and municipal agencies to come up with a temporary solution for 2010 that would assure access into Southwestern Nova Scotia. This would provide an opportunity for the thoughtful review required for any substantive changes to future service and to mitigate economic losses.

On behalf of the tourism industry we look forward to your leadership on this issue and await a response.


Danny Morton
Chair, TIANS

Darlene Grant Fiander
President, TIANS

cc Premier Darrell Dexter
Regional Tourism Industry Associations (RTIA’s)