Strategic Alliances

TIANS works with a number of organizations around the province to ensure that our industry is growing and healthy

Nova Scotia's tourism operators have formed sector associations to address the particular needs and issues of specific groups. TIANS is the secretariat and liaison for the Nova Scotia Bed and Breakfast Association (NSBBA)

Our Strength is in Individuals. Our Power is in Numbers 

Our partners, like NSBBA, play a necessary and important role in developing a strong business sector within the larger tourism industry. We assist strategic alliances by providing secretariant duties, meeting facilitations, advocacy support and membership development. .


The Nova Scotia Bed and Breakfast Association (NSBBA) is committed to high standards and recognizes the importance of establishing and maintaining an ethical business relationship.  We want satisfied guests who will return to our province and recommend our Association properties. All Association members are expected to accept and endorse the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is established as a guide to all Association members. Prospective NSBBA members must sign and return the Code of Conduct & Criteria forms to be considered for membership and marketing on the NSBBA website.

Marla Taylor - The Nelson House  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  866 331-1380